Starbucks Logo
Starbucks is a company which is well known in the West. Our mind goes straight to coffee as soon as our eyes rest on the Starbucks logo.
The Starbucks logo shows a green band with 2 stars and a crowned Siren in the center of the logo. It is strange but attractive and very well recognized.

NBA Logo
Vibrant colors of the NBA logo correlate with the vibrancy of the fast paced game of basketball. The National basketball Association’s logo features Jerry West, also known as “Mr. Clutch” on their NBA logo.

Superman Logo
The Superman logo is one of the greatest and most recognized logo ever created. Its story is as interesting and powerful as the story of the superhero itself.
When creator Jerry Siegel and Shuster sat to create the logo for Superman, they wanted to use the first letter of the character’s name and for them ‘S’ was perfect. Interestingly the superman logo bear resemblance to its creators’ names too. This isn’t the only thing interesting about the logo, the superman logo consist of deep and idealistic roots; and every element of the superman logo bears some connection with history, literature, science and the arts.
As Clark Kent (Superman) once said in the Superman comic ’many see the superhero as a form of modern mythology’. If so, this aspect of color may play a part. Symbols are the stuff of which GODS are made’. The elements of the superman logo are often neglected which can surprise you. Let me bring your focus on to the important features of the superman logo and its relation with history, literature, science and the arts.
The Structure:
The superman logo bears a stylized Superman insignia - consisting of a large red letter "S" inscribed within a yellow shield, which is bordered in red - inscribed on his chest. This fancy triangle with curves at the top gives a clear similarity with the Square and Compass symbol of a Master Mason; of Freemasonry. The Square and Compass has come to represent diagram of the world, caught between the mind or spiritual world (The Compass) and the realm of the physical, the earthly plane (The Square).
The Colors:
The superman logo consists of two colors: red and yellow. Red and yellow are the colors of RAO (the red sun of Krypton, Superman’s planet) and SOL (was the name or personification of the Sun in Latin, and can also refer to sunlight). Superman’s powers are activated by the Earth’s yellow sun and the red sun of Krypton representing his relation to the planet.
The Initial “S”:
The symbol “S” not only stands for ‘Superman’ in the superman logo, but it also means Saving Lives, Stopping Crime and giving Super-Aid wherever it’s needed.
For more than sixty years, the Superman creators have changed Superman into many artistic styles, but the fundamental details of the superman logo and his costume have remained largely unchanged.

Coca Cola Logo
History of the Coca Cola Logo
The Coca Cola logo is the masterpiece that was artistically scripted by Frank Robinson through his excellent penmanship in the year 1986. Frank used Spencerian script in the Coca Cola logo.
This typeface was developed in mid of 19th century and was the most used script in United States at that time.
All variations and modifications made to the Coca Cola Logo carry these flowing letters that have become the most famous symbol of success.
About Frank Robinson – Designer of Coca Cola Logo
Frank Robinson was the book keeper and business partner of Doctor John Pemberton. John Pemberton was a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia and the inventor of this ever famous cola drink.
Frank Robinson not only suggested the name of the drink but also came up with the Coca Cola logo design.
A little about Coca Cola
Coca Cola was initially brewed as a medicine. It was initially sold as nerve tonic and then sold as a cure for indigestion. It was named as French Wine. With the new law that prohibited the use of alcohol, Dr John Pemberton started testing his formula with sugar, blended in oil and citric acid.
He began selling it as refreshing soda fountain drink combining the syrup with carbonated water.
Thus sale of Coca Cola began and advertisement with Coca Cola Logo first appeared in Atlanta Journal and a hand painted banner with Coca Cola logo was displayed out side Jacob’s pharmacy.

Ferrari Logo
The Ferrari logo consists of a symbol of ‘Prancing Horse’ on a yellow back ground, usually with the letters SF. SF stands for Scuderia Ferrari. The Ferrari logo is well known and well recognized by all and especially the fans of motor car racing.
The name of Ferrari and its Logo bring to our mind emotion that we feel about speed and sports cars.
In 1940 Enzo Ferrari inherited the prancing horse badge for World War One’s legendary ace of Italian Air Force Count Francesco Baracca.